The second and latest volume in the GTD canon is "Ready for Anything" by David Allen. ISBN 0-670-03250-6, available, I'm more than sure, from Amazon. You can also buy it from your local, independent, bookstore, buy it from them and support your local business, everyone will feel better.
In the first volume David laid out the nuts and bolts of Getting Things Done. In later chapters he delved into more detail and techniques for coming to grips with with how to structure the intake of information, stuff in his words. How to process that information, and how to act on the stuff. This leads to lower stress, more accomplishment, and a quite mind, with which you can dream, think, and be at peace with your life. This is a practical, here are the steps, follow the steps, kind of book. Good solid advice and techniques. Good coaching and clear guideposts.
"Ready for Anything", or RFA, from now on, is far more of a WHY than a HOW. I find this book to be philosophical, insightful, filled with principals about WHY we work more than HOW we work. The sub-title is "52 Productivity Principles for Work and Life" David is very clear that you are NOT your work! The book is made up of 5 sections;
- Clear Your Head for Creativity
- Focus Productively
- Create Structures that Work
- Relax and Get in Motion
- Remind Yourself of the Fundamentals
I enjoyed these books. There are valuable tools and techniques within the pages. There are clear ideas and insights within the pages. Develop a system you trust, trust yourself. Thanks David.
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